Designated Agent Contact Information

You may submit your DMCA notice to our designated agent at the following contact details:

Email: [email protected]
Address: 123 DownloadHow Lane, Internet City, Web State, 45678


If you believe that material you posted was removed by mistake or misidentification, you may submit a counter-notification. The counter-notification must include:

  • Your full name, address, telephone number, and email address.
  • Identification of the material that has been removed and its location before removal.
  • A statement, under penalty of perjury, that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification.
  • A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in your district or, if outside the United States, the jurisdiction of the courts located where the website is based.
  • Your physical or electronic signature.

Please send your counter-notification to our designated agent at the contact information provided above.

Repeat Infringers

In accordance with the DMCA and other applicable laws, we have adopted a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances, users who are deemed to be repeat infringers.

Important Note

Misrepresentations in your DMCA notice or counter-notification may result in legal consequences, including liability for damages. Please seek legal advice if you are unsure about your rights or obligations under the DMCA.

If you have any questions about this DMCA policy, please contact us at [email protected].